God truly has his hand on our family. When we look back and see, what obstacles did we have? What obstacles were removed? We sometimes forget. I thought I would share with you the simple spread sheet I made that shows just how faithful the Lord is, what he has done to get us to where we are…and you know why? So that we can honestly say it was by Him, for Him and there was no other way. God is good, all the time. We know that our requests were answered, because we asked  in Jesus name. So, that He alone would be glorified through the mission he called us to.

“Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.“ (John 14:13-14 HCSB)


Prayer Prayer Answered
Another child 4/2012 2/2016
House to sell  8/2015 10/2016
When do we move? 8/2016 Church going to allow us to stay in trailer 8/2016
Where do we put our stuff? 5/2016 Jan from bookstore unexpectedly offered 8/2016
Who do we partner with? 7/2016 1/2017
Children learn language Found free language lessons 8/2016
Debt free 6/2016 3/2017
More prayer partners 8/2016 3/2017- ongoing
vehicle 9/2016 10/2016
Place to live within budget 4/2017 4/2017- found within 2 weeks
Establish visas 3/2017 7/2017
Expanding family -house 8/2017 12/2018
Expanding family- van 11/2017 12/2018
blood clot resolution 10/2016 no sign of it returning!
heart problems 10/2017 11/2018 No more symptoms
baby health concern  10/2017 12/2018 measuring up to date!
Response from churches to visit 01/2018 10/2018
Funds for Children’s Bibles 10/2017 11/2017
Contract with Orphanage  12/2018 Praying Daily
Repairs to our old Car   12/2018 Scheduled inspection 01/2019
Registration of new van  12/2018 Appointment to register in 2019
Researching Coffee Shop Business  12/2018

Looking for Attorney for Administrative Guiadance/Coffee bean distributor Found 12/2018

Finding a way to meet with the orphans   12/2018 Praying Daily

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