The Fellowship Community is a place to engage with us through prayer, encouragement, and thought provoking posts. This page allows for a preview of the posts. To read the entire post please click on the month’s headings.


This April I have had the privilege to share about the importance of God having a plan to save me and the youth listening to me. This generation especially children of trauma have a hard time believing the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection. While none of them would go so far as to say the event did not occur, but when asked if they would repent and commit their lives to Christ, learn His teaching, and obey his commands, they shrug and have responded by saying when they see the church doing so then they will too.

Some of you may know young people like this. Some of you may have encountered or taught young people and responded in various ways but hearing a young person say this still stings with truth. I can’t ignore their proposition but what I have been able to demonstrate is what 1 Timothy 1:5-6 shares. As a teacher, mentor, pastor, and disciple maker, my technique must be in love because that’s the way Jesus responded and spoke to people in His ministry. I’ve noticed that all the power and testimony found in the resurrection account misses its mark in another person if I don’t use the love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith.


God has done much to help me address many of the habits and behaviors that have been sinful and hurtful. I’ve relied on 3 promises of God to help me grow as a child of God.

I have to be honest and say that relationships are the most challenging areas in my life that the Lord is redeeming. Many of my struggles with God have stemmed from the closest relationships I’ve had.

Relationship is the primary means of reflecting the work of the Holy Spirit in my salvation. The work of mentorship and discipleship is one of revealing where I once was in my belief with God and how by my own making I was destroying myself and hurting those around me. Yet, God reveals i’m not on my own if I rely on His promises.


New Year Goals are by this time of the year abandoned by about 80% of people who made them according to U.S. News & World Report. I’m going to be honest, I’ve given up on one of mine as well but I just love bread to much to eliminate it everyday.

But the Gospel is not a new years goal. It’s not something I set to do or achieve. It’s a necessity. I have the privilege to share the gospel of the kingdom of Christ to a child who has only heard one thing about God…

December – January

My new years goals are to relinquish more of my beliefs about what a man, husband, and father are through the Holy Spirit in order to know how to reflect Christ to others. The quote below by A.W. Tozer encourages me to tackle this scary endeavor.

Of all persons, the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation.  A.W. Tozer.

I want to grow deeply dependent on Christ to teach me what He was doing in His alone time with God the father. I want to come to my family, the kids at the orphanage and my church out of this alone time with the Father.