Faith Inspired Quote No 5
My last favorite faith-inspired quote is a difficult but profound and wonderful truth regarding the nature of the Holy Spirit. He surrounds the life of the saved Christian and brings forth the knowledge of the good and evil in our heart, mind, and flesh. I spoke to a young lady in an afternoon session with the children and what she was asking was exactly this truth. Why is she all of a sudden recognizing these characteristics of God and her desires for things after Gods heart? Meet Bell who’s been at the orphanage many years with her brothers. Her story is like the others, from a child all she’s known is dysfunction, neglect, and suffering in the different forms it comes in. But her story isn’t one of sadness any longer. Her sorrows have been wiped away by the Holy grace of Jesus Christ and she knows she’s being pursued by Christ personally. She is responding in wonderful ways by pursuing the Gospel and asking very difficult questions of God and praying that He answer them through His word. Questions such as “why is it that I now have a desire for the things of God…” It’s simple to respond because the Holy Spirit is pointing your heart towards the path of goodness and Glory to God. but that statement is so packed that it requires years of biblical study and personal reflection. It’s necessary to study but I chose to take the Spirit of what R.A. Torrey conveys in The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and allow it to saturate bell.The Holy Spirit is not a blind, impersonal influence or power that comes into our lives to illuminate, sanctify and empower them. No, He is immeasurably more than that, He is a holy Person who comes to dwell in our hearts, One who sees clearly every act we perform, every word we speak, every thought we entertain, even the most fleeting fancy that is allowed to pass through our minds; and if there is anything in act, or word or deed that is impure, unholy, unkind, selfish, mean, petty or untrue, this infinitely holy One is deeply grieved by it.Bell needs to see what the Holy Spirit is asking of her. To have her completely even though she’s not ready. To face the fear of exposure and change and to allow the Holy Spirit to do what it does and get her to choose whats good and holy. Bell admits she’s no angel but she’s recognizing that she’s in a war now to hold onto to what’s now the most precious relationship she has. With Christ.
Faith Inspired Quote No 4
When I wrote my 5 favorite faith-inspired quotes I began to see how they are being revealed in the young men around me. This month I would like to introduce you to “Ollie.” Ollie has been running away from the orphanage for a long time.God is changing his reality through the reasoning found in Christ and God’s word. “I listened to what you said, and saw how I was living wasn’t very good like you said. I’ve come back.” Romans 3:17 speaks to Ollie’s life fairly clearly. “And the path of peace they have not known.” I came to know Ollie, as the brother of a child I mentor, who has been a run away from the orphanage for a while. He occasionally comes back to the orphanage for certain reasons but never chooses to stay. I’ve only spoken to him twice before this more memorable occasion that I write about. I had the opportunity to ask if He’s staying at the orphanage this time and he said to me that the last time we talked I showed him that the orphanage just makes more sense then living on the streets. He’s been through a lot and he confessed that he now understands what I’ve been warning him about. “If what your saying is true then…” This is how I’ve been able to reach Ollie. He’s a little older then the other boys but has made some very bad choices. I approach his skepticism with the quote above and contrast his life with what Christ discusses in the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32. In our discussions recently he’s began to see that rationally a life with Christ is so much more valuable then one without Him. The healing, redemption, and peace in Christ is worth all the autonomy that Ollie seeks from life. I have used the word of God to teach, reprove, correct, and train in righteousness children like Ollie of years as 2 Timothy 3:16 admonishes. Its affect upon every aspect of life is clearly supernatural and the highest power. The bible is true and I’ve shared with Ollie that it will impact his life because any promise from the mouth of Jesus Christ is worth hanging your eternity on. We human beings have the faculty of reason–and are to use it in order to believe.The Rational Bible – David Prager
Faith Inspired Quote No 1
Over the last few months the boys from the orphanage have begun to reveal how true some of my treasured quotes are. Please join me as I introduce some of the boys I have the privilege of getting to know and Mentor. This month I wrote my 5 favorite quotes and a young man named Alex, reveals the importance of seeing Integrity. what is it? Integrity is being whole. It is the embodiment and practice of living to your professed standard. Integrity demonstrates the truth of what a person really believes not just what a person may say or teach. why is it important? When Alex began to attend the morning devotions and participate in the afternoon faith development program I asked him why the sudden change. He said that change doesn’t occur unless you commit to doing things different and he has observed that the team and I are different. We live and teach a different way to live. We teach to live for Christ of by the words of the Bible. 6am devotions and prayer is how Alex starts his days now. Pray for Alex and the children who attend devotions and prayer time in the morning. A person who claims to be a Christian makes an ethical statement and has committed to a certain morality. For that person to have integrity, then, he or she must live by the biblical ethic.Handbook to Leadership – Boa, Buzzell, and Perkins
Faith Inspired Quote No 2
Last month I introduced my 5 favorite faith-inspired quotes and a young man named Alex. This month I would like to introduce you to George and share how important it is to demonstrate God as our priority. Is a life that follows God better than one that doesn’t? What a tough question from a sincere young man. George wanted to know if God’s kingdom, culture, way and will is better then his own. I had the opportunity to share with George how precious my soul and his is to Jesus. That Jesus considers our souls worth dying for. Jesus shows me that I can live a different way that is so much more satisfying than anything I could ever have thought of. Why does God make it so hard to know him? George has had many people share their faith with him. He was confused about what’s really true about God. So I started with the Gospel as he’s heard before but this time I made sure he understood God wants him to know how precious he is and how Jesus calls him first to know His value through the blood when he has nothing else to offer. Establish right priorities: His Kingdom, His culture, His way and His will – not ours. Establish proper alignment: God first, Kingdom work first.Spiritual Survival Handbook – Dr. Robert S. Miller
Faith Inspired Quote No 3
When I wrote my 5 favorite faith-inspired quotes I began to see how they are being revealed in the young men around me, such as Alex and George. This month I would like to introduce you to Sorin and share how God is changing his reality through the knowledge of Him and His truth. “Doru, I’m struggling with my pride? Is it always going to be like this?” Sorin asked me this question a few weeks ago and it really made me squirm because I struggle with this aspect of my flesh. When Christ comes into a new heart the Holy Spirit makes some real changes within a persons thinking, their values, and their attitudes toward life. John 16:13-14 encourages believers to trust the work of the Holy Spirit and His guidance into all truth. A.W. Tozer reveals the truth of the spiritual nature in life and warns us to not be deceived by our hearts, our eyes, or our emotions. I encouraged Sorin that as his faith in the Lord grows and spreads into all the areas of himself, He will choose to give up his entitlement to pride because he will realize he gains so much more in being recognized by Jesus as a coheir and friend. “Is this the right answer about God?” When I arrived one afternoon for a weekday bible recap of the life of Jacob, Sorin asked me to look at something with him. He was working through a discipleship workbook and had answered some questions about God as the creator. Our relationship as discipler and the discipeled has been hot and cold but without a beat Sorin laid down his pride and accepted some correction to his selection. The truth is I was humbled to be the one with a helping answer. So many years had gone by when I began my journey asking questions and someone noticed me and helped me understand God. God is real, everything else is less real. With that truth Sorin goes forward now, hopefully his whole life, believing in Him who is the Truth and the Life. Our uncorrected thinking, influenced by the blindness of our natural hearts and the intrusive ubiquity of visible things, tends to draw a contrast between the spiritual and the real; but actually, no such contrast exists. The spiritual is real.The Pursuit of God – A. W. Tozer